Thank you for being here!
I'm James Whittaker and let me know tell you a bit about the origins of The Day Won Mastermind and why I'm so excited about it.
I always find it funny how we ask kids what they want to be when they’re older, yet almost every educational institution—from elementary to grad school—offers almost zero resources to help people understand what’s actually available to them, let alone give them a blueprint to achieve it.
As a result, we try to funnel people into careers based on how they perform on standardized tests, which leaves us with two categories: The Stupid and The Smart.
The Stupid (which is the category I was boxed in to) go through life feeling like they aren’t equipped with the abilities to grow, succeed, and make an impact. They're told to get used to working for other people and to lower their expectations of what's possible.
However, it’s not much smoother for The Smart because often they enroll in university courses or take jobs that might suit their academic performance but were never considered with the individual’s passion, purpose, and likelihood to thrive in mind.
As a result, a huge percentage of people (from both categories) end up miserable, despite having what might be a large income, a loving family, or a job they feel they should enjoy. This is only exacerbated by social media as we compare our self-worth to others more frequently and harshly.
Is it any wonder, then, that society is increasingly unhappy, despite being the wealthiest period ever and setting historic records for:
- The highest standards of living
- Unprecedented technological advances
- The most advanced healthcare
- Record low unemployment.

Source: World Happiness Report 2019
In 2013, I was living in Boston, MA, and had just graduated with a Master of Business Administration, but I didn't feel fulfilled. It was only the experiences through launching my own products and companies—as well as the in depth conversations I had with some of the happiest, resilient, and most successful people on the planet—that I realized what was missing.
Ever since the most significant moment in my life, which occurred when I was 23 (and was featured in the Summer 2019 issue of Success Magazine), I have been obsessed with learning what turns seemingly ordinary people into extraordinary achievers—irrespective of age, education, background, financial starting point, or any other perceived adversity.
I never could have imagined that journey would lead to me being asked to write a modern companion to the bestselling self-help book of all time, Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich.

And I certainly never expected to be speaking on stages alongside my heroes, and featured on 300+ radio, podcast, and television shows—as well as in some of the world's most recognized publications—all by my 35th birthday. Last year, 18 years after graduating, I was even invited back to speak at my high school to inspire the next generation. It's funny how things turn out, and it reminded me of the Steve Jobs quote:
"You can never connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards."
Today, I’m introducing you to a detailed program that anyone can follow to build a career that aligns with your purpose, enables you to attach each day’s actions to your long-term mission, and leaves an enduring legacy for your family, community, and the world.
I'll be sharing with you everything I've learned along this journey, which will save you many years of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process. Better yet, you'll live happier than ever before.
The Day Won Mastermind is for those who want more in life, and I’m going to show you exactly how to get it.
Join the fun.
To your success,

James Whittaker
PS - There'll be some fun surprises along the way. And if there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I LOVE to overdeliver 😉